

Caregiver Question: How to Deal with Mom’s Dementia and Hateful Behavior?

My mom has dementia and her behavior toward me has become mean and combative. How do I take care of her but set boundaries with her hateful behavior? Dementia is a cruel disease that can change a person's personality and behavior. As a result, family members often struggle to take care of their loved ones with dementia, especially when their...[ read more ]

Silent Struggle: How Women Can Cope with Husbands Who Don’t Communicate

Communication is an essential part of any relationship. It allows partners to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns with each other, ultimately helping to strengthen their bond. However, what happens when one partner doesn't communicate? This can be frustrating, challenging, and even hurtful, especially for women dealing with husbands who don't communicate. Communication breakdowns in relationships can manifest in many...[ read more ]

Balancing Caregiving and Work: Managing the Challenges of Caring for an Elderly Parent

Caring for an elderly parent while working can be a complex and challenging experience. According to a 2020 report by the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP approximately 16.8 million caregivers are providing care for an adult over 75 years of age. These statistics highlight the significant impact that caregiving can have on individuals and balancing work responsibilities with caregiving...[ read more ]

What is Trauma Therapy?

Not many of us will get through life without facing our own share of challenges. But some people experience not just stress and strife, but actual trauma. Trauma may come in the form of a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, a physical accident such as a car accident, rape, the sudden loss of a loved one, or war.When a person...[ read more ]

How to Deal with Social Anxiety after COVID

It has been a very long year. Lockdowns and social distancing have had a profound impact on our hearts and minds. But thankfully, as the vaccines roll out and the country begins to slowly open back up, we are beginning to return to some kind of normal.While many people are jumping for joy with the idea of taking part in...[ read more ]

Knowing When to End a Relationship

Relationships can enrich our lives, but they can also cause damage. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or significant other, any relationship comes with its share of challenges. And more often than not, putting in the effort to resolve relational issues can and does result in a healthier bond.But there are those relationships that, no matter the amount of work...[ read more ]

National Men’s Health Week

Men. They’re strong. Courageous. Ready to go to war for the country and family they love. But men are also susceptible to disease and poor health outcomes. In fact, men are more likely to experience health issues simply because they have been brought up to believe that asking for help is a sign of weakness, and putting others first should...[ read more ]

The Importance of Friendship in Aging

How many times do we hear about senior citizens who move cross-country to be closer to children and grandchildren? Maybe this person will see their family on a daily or weekly basis. But then again, maybe it won’t be that often, and now they’ve given up their social life and are far away from friends.As an older person, what’s healthier,...[ read more ]

Helping Your Aging Parents With Depression

As our parents age, we want to treasure them for as long as we can, so we look for ways to help them stay healthy and active. But many older people suffer from depression, a condition that is not always easy to battle.According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, depression affects more than 6.5 million of the 35 million Americans...[ read more ]

Healthy Food & Emotional Regulation

Are you an emotional eater? When you’re feeling stressed, do you find yourself ordering in pizza? When something sad happens, do you drown your grief in sugar? If so, you’re not alone. A majority of people deal with the challenges of life by turning to their favorite comfort foods.The trouble is, these foods are only a temporary fix. They fill...[ read more ]

367 Riverside Drive Suite 125
Franklin, TN 37064
(615) 861-1660

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